Hey everyone- I’m trying to start with keeping up with some monthly news updates. Biggest news for the month of August is Flame Con! Witchery etc. will be at Flame Con, August 20-21 in Brooklyn, NY. Do come stop by if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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Hello all- reporting briefly between back to back cons- unfortunately no new page for this week but that’s because I’ll be tabling at Momocon this weekend in Atlanta, GA! Come see me at table AA9!
Hey friends- to anyone going to Nauticon next weekend, do come find me in the Artists Colony. I’ll be in in Room 5! See you there!! ✨
Apologies for the sudden and unannounced hiatus- back-to-back conventions (Katsucon and MAGfest) have left me wiped out..! To everyone who said hello/is here because they picked up a Witchery etc. postcard– it was great to meet you! Katsucon was a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
No page this week, sorry..! I’ve had to stay and work late at my office job several days this week, which has seriously cut into my drawing time (not to mention leaving me tired and grumpy… on the flipside, though,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…